Solidarity With Trans Lives is How We Fight the Right

Conservatives are uniting behind a neofascist project and trans people are a prime target for violence. The Church can’t settle for anything less than costly solidarity with trans lives, claiming political conflict as a necessary consequence of Christian love.

Inside the Postliberal Mind

Adrian Vermeule’s new book was not written to persuade hostile readers, but to provide ammunition for his allies. It gives us a peek under the hood of postliberalism—and the contents are both shoddy and dangerous.

The Voice of Tradition and the Unheard Present

Carl Trueman’s new book demonstrates that even erudite conservative accounts of our modern moment struggle to grapple with the voices and experiences of ordinary people. Nowhere is this clearer than in Trueman’s atrocious treatment of queer and trans people.

The Perils of Catholic Postliberalism

Catholic postliberalism fails to adequately analyze the relationship between capitalism and liberalism, leading to an ahistorical, reactionary, and ultimately repressive vision of political order.

The First Church of Equivocation

Pastors like Tim Keller and John Piper have helped to craft a brand of “both sides are bad” politics for evangelicals. Obsessed with the possibility of a biblical third way politics, they fail to see or acknowledge how this gives cover for influencers to their right.